Personal Projects :
Classification of spectra of -OH and -RCOOH groups using CNNs :
Automatically classify spectra of the functional groups by training a CNN
Tools & technologies used :TensorFlow, numpy, openCV, pandas, selenium, pyautogui, matplotlib
Utilised selenium and pyautogui to collect training data by scraping the SDBS spectra database
Preprocess spectra graph data using openCV
Trained TensorFlow CNN classification model that yielded 85% accuracy on validation dataset
Developed voice assistant using google-gemini api
Tools & technologies used :Python, Gemini LLM api, gTTs, picovoice api, NLTK
Built a Voice assistant using gemini LLM api for generating responses
Wake word detection implemented using picovoice api and text to speech using gTTs library
Calculated cosine similarity of sentences using NLTK for action command detection
Face recognition and tracking system for mobile robot :
Developed face tracking system for robotic application
Tools & technologies used :VGGface, YOLOv5, PyTorch, openCV
Face recognition using the pretrained VGGface model and utilised YOLOv5 models for detecting for person detection
Utilised SORT(Simple Online Realtime Tracking) algorithm for tracking overtime
Physics Informed Neural Networks :
Currently pursuing my capstone project in PINNs
Tools & technologies used :Pytorch, Pandas, Numpy, Python
Built a Voice assistant using gemini LLM api for generating responses
Wake word detection implemented using picovoice api and text to speech using gTTs library
Calculated cosine similarity of sentences using NLTK for action command detection